Bird Feeding Starter Guide
3 Simple Steps

Where to Start?

It’s a treat first thing in the morning to open your curtains to the sight of lots of happy birds enjoying the foods that you have provided for them. Feeding the birds doesn't just make them happy, it also lifts our mood and is good for our mental wellbeing.

1. Bird Feeders

Bird feeders come in all shapes and sizes. To start with, we would recommend picking up a basic feeder (we stock them from as little as £3.49). Bird feeders are built to feed a specific type of bird food, and if you have the space, using a few different types of feeders will attract a wider variety of bird species to your garden. We have an extensive range available, including Squirrel Proof Feeders.

2. Locating and Hanging Your Feeders

Next up you'll want somewhere to hang your bird feeders. This will really depend on how much space you have and what’s in your garden. If you're lucky enough to have trees, then you could hang the feeder from a branch with a Hook or Hanger. For the rest of us, the next best option is a Bird Feeding Station to hang a variety of feeders from.

Experiment with its position to find the ideal spot for attracting the most birds. This will be somewhere that they feel safe and that cannot be easily reached by predators. If you don't have anywhere to hang a feeder, or if you want to get a bit more up close and personal, then consider a window feeder. For most people, the easiest way to get started will be to purchase a feeding station that includes bird feeders. Take a look at our bird stations available: Enchanted Garden Complete Feeding Station Kit, 4 Arm Bird Feeding Station.

3. Something to Feed The Birds

Finally, you'll want something to actually feed the birds! The simplest and probably most loved food is Sunflower Hearts. These are nutritious and enjoyed by a wide variety of birds, making them the most versatile and the easiest to start with. If you want to feed a range of bird foods to give them a balanced diet, or perhaps you've bought a feeding station with different types of feeders included, then here's some of the assorted foods we offer.

Once you've made a start, try experimenting with a varied selection of foods and feeders to see what birds you can attract into your garden. It may take a little time for the birds to discover the new foods you’re offering, but be patient as once the birds know where to come, they will return time and again. So, put the kettle on, put your feet up and keep your eyes peeled for the arrival of your new, feathered friends. Good luck!